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Media releases

Beton-Unterstationen (Mauerhofer & Zuber)

Glasfasernetz der ARA Bois-de-Bay (Mauerhofer & Zuber)

Atel and EOS become ALPIQ

At the beginning of 2009 Atel and EOS are to merge to form the leading Swiss energy services provider with European orientation. The transaction…

EOS und Renault-Nissan Alliance "Zero-Emission" future in Switzerland (EOS)

ROLLE, Switzerland (Dec. 16, 2008) – Swiss electric utility company Energie Ouest Suisse (EOS) and the Renault-Nissan Alliance today announced they…

Atel acquires option on land for construction of a gas-fired combined-cycle power station in Germany

At the beginning of December 2008, Atel Holding Ltd (Atel Group) acquired an option on land for construction of a gas-fired combined-cycle power…

General licence applications by Axpo and BKW: Atel welcomes new impetus for energy security

Following Atel's submission in June 2008 of an application to the Federal Office of Energy (FOE) for a general licence to build a new nuclear power…

380-kV high-voltage power line in Central Switzerland: Upgraded Rigi section goes ‘live’

On 28 November 2008 Atel Transmission Ltd. put into operation an upgraded section of the 380-kV high-voltage Lavorgo-Mettlen power line on the north…

Neue Bahnsicherungsanlagen im Wallis und im Tessin (Mauerhofer & Zuber)

Mise hors service de la ligne 220 kV Romanel – Verbois par mesure de sécurité (EOS)

Lausanne, le 21 novembre 2008 – Le pylône 35 de la ligne 220 kV Romanel-Verbois se situe dans une zone qui subit des mouvements de terrain menaçant sa…

Gábor Briglovics appointed new General Manager of Alpiq Csepel Businesses

Gábor Briglovics became the new General Manager of Alpiq Csepel Businesses (Hungary) on 1 June 2008, taking over from Allan Walmsley who was appointed…